5085 - Staff Collaboration and Governance


Policy Statement

The Board of Trustees endorses the development of collaborative processes among college staff groups and encourages the president and staff to develop teams and self-improvement mechanisms which foster problem solving with diverse representation and participants. College administration has the decision-making authority, but will use processes to assure staff involvement and influence as policy recommendations are prepared and decisions made. The governance structure provides four modes of staff involvement in decision-making: consensus, collaboration, consultation and notification. The first is the most desirable.

General Guidelines for Policy Implementation *

The governance system is built upon key ideals that must be the procedural "life blood" of the model. These ideals and objectives must be progressively realized in the ongoing application and maturity of governance at 十大彩票网赌平台. These ideals include:

  1. Shared decision making that is participatory and inclusive of issues and constituencies
  2. Accessible, visible, flexible and open process
  3. Autonomy in light of institutional principles
  4. Empowerment of the individual through the system
  5. Support of community interests over those of individuals or sub-groups
  6. Consensus by working at the level where the interests of all parties emerge
  7. Final decision-making power resting as closely as possible with the person(s) most affected by the outcome of the decision
  8. Informed, effective, and responsible decisions
  9. Administrative authority's promotion of collective decision-making
  10. System-wide checks and balances

The 十大彩票网赌平台 governance system is structured to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To provide a system to utilize most effectively the expertise and insights for achieving the mission and goals of the college
  2. To provide a means to enhance involvement in policy and procedure formulation
  3. To enhance the institutional planning, development, and evaluation process
  4. To establish a widely accepted and predictable system for decision-making
  5. To develop active partnerships in shaping the future of 十大彩票网赌平台
  6. To provide a system that more readily identifies, communicates, and resolves problems
  7. To provide opportunities for carrying out responsibilities for institutional service in a cooperative and effective manner
  8. To provide the opportunity for each individual to have influence on the decisions that affect his/her work life.

* The Washtenaw Community College Governance System, revised, 1993, pgs. 9 & 10

Adopted: October 23, 1990
Revised: December 19, 1995
Administrative Review: May 2002
Administrative Review: June 2016
Administrative Review: August 2019
Administrative Review: March 2020

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